Our agency

We support corporate and institutional leaders at the crossroads of their identity, strategy, management, and communication challenges.   
As a corporate communication consulting agency, we provide strategic consulting, content creation and production, event conceptualization and implementation on transversal challenges of identity, engagement, and influence.



Building a strong and lasting identity and brand; expressing and staging it in a unique, attractive, and engaging way; embodying it and bringing it to life through the executive and managerial team. 
In the long term, from history to the distant future.   


Structure and express the challenges, ambitions, and content of key projects, integrating them the right way and dynamically in the organization’s mission, purpose, and the current context of its environment.   
In the short and medium terms, and in the near future.   


Listening, speaking up, and making a stand; creating opportunities to nurture a constructive relationship with stakeholders, making them active ambassadors of an idea, cause or project; anticipating and managing crises where the organization is questioned, sometimes deeply challenged.   
Day-to-day, here and now, sometimes in emergency.    

An integrated expertise in all areas of CORPORATE COMMUNICATION

Strategic advice to leaders and executives

Corporate communication & B2B

Internal and managerial communications & employer branding

Public communications & territorial marketing

Financial communication

Monitoring, opinion, sensitive issues & crisis communications

Brand identity and strategy

Media relations & social media

Public relations

Public affairs & Institutional relations

Contenus éditoriaux







Creative challenges applied to corporate and B2B communications.

Jean-Marc Atlan, CEO and Founder of EKNO & Chris Cuenca, Creative Director, who joined the agency a few months ago, share their views on the challenges of corporate expression for companies and organizations.  



Events in internal communications: a lever for collective action.

Xavier Dullin & Pauline Liabeuf, Deputy Managing Directors at EKNO, with varied experience in events and internal communications, share their views on the challenges of cohesion and commitment within companies today.



Companies and territories: how do they relate and complement each other?

Aurélie Buffone, Deputy Managing Director & Carole Mathieu Chevrier, Consulting Director at EKNO, share their views on the relationships that unite companies and the various players in their region.




Depuis la création d’EKNO, nous aimons échanger sur les enjeux de notre métier.
À l’occasion de nos 10 ans, nous avons réfléchi aux grandes mutations que traverse la communication corporate, au prisme de 5 thématiques qui nous animent au quotidien : l’engagement, l’influence, l’identité, les usages numériques et la communication publique et territoriale.

Découvrir la version digitale

EKNO, A COMMITTED PLAYER for entrepreneurship

EKNO is proud to contribute to the economical and institutional life of its anchor region. 

EKNO is a founding member of the ÉMERGENCES FOUNDATION

Created in 2010 on the initiative of a group of Lyon-based business leaders, the Émergences Foundation pursues the objective of helping entrepreneurs whose project is the creation of social links in order to respond to social needs poorly covered such as: Health & Disability, Nutrition & Biodiversity, Education, Professional Integration, Equality & Social Diversity, Access to Culture and Digital technology. 
EKNO’s employees often tend to the foundation’s life: project pitch sessions, project leaders’ sponsorship, annual receptions, communications commission.

EKNO is a member and partner of L'ENTREPRISE DES POSSIBLES

L’Entreprise des Possibles is a collective of committed companies, and employees, alongside public actors and associations to help the homeless and the most vulnerable. Their objective is to mobilize human, financial and real estate resources to amplify the action of these associations in the field. 
EKNO’s employees provide help to L’Entreprise des Possibles as part of a pro bono corporate initiative and are encouraged to donate paid vacation days, topped up by the company, and to participate in volunteer missions with listed associations.

EKNO contributes to numerous economic and entrepreneurial programs

EKNO supports stakeholders in the region through pro bono corporate initiatives.

UN ACTEUR ENGAGÉ pour valoriser l’impact de nos métiers

Membre de l'AJIBAT, l'association des journalistes de l'habitat et de la ville


Membre de L'AJDE, l'association des journalistes de l'énergie.

Membre du Club des amis de l'Association des Journalistes de l'environnement

Membre du collège des communicants du Club de la Presse de Lyon

Ekno est membre du SCRP et membre du conseil d’administration, représentant de la délégation Auvergne Rhône Alpes et membre de commissions sur la Mesure des Résultats




Birth of EKNO, a communications consulting agency


Opening of capital
to 6 consulting directors, partnered with the founder and CEO


Merger with THÉRA, specialist in content creation and event organization


Amalthea, a B2B and corporate media relations consultancy, joins EKNO, enriching its value chain with an extended media relations offering.