Legal notices

Legal notices  

Home Legal Notices  

Le site (ci-après le « Site »), est exploité par la société EKNO


The website (hereinafter the “Website”), is operated by the company EKNO 


SARL with capital of €153,850 

Registered with the RCS of LYON under the number: 537 519 449 

SIRET number: 53751944900038 

Intra-community VAT number: FR95537519449 

Head office: 11 place Bellecour – 69002 LYON – France 


The publication director of the website is: Jean-Marc ATLAN – President, he can be contacted using the contact details appearing under article 6-1 of these conditions. 



The website is hosted by OVH 

2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix 

Tél.: 08 20 69 87 65 

Technical & artistic credits  





Graphic design: EKNO / Les Bons Tech 

Development: Les Bons Tech 

Photos credits: EKNO 

The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to provide all the conditions of access and use of the Website. The “User(s)” are known herein as any physical person being connected to and is browsing the Website. The access and use of the Website implies the tacit and unreserved acceptance of the herein conditions by the User, under its latest online version.    








  1. Introduction / Presentation  



EKNO is a corporate communications consulting agency which has been supporting, business and institutional leaders at the crossroads of their identity, strategy, management and communication challenges, for more than 10 years.  


The agency has today 50 expert team members specialized in corporate challenges and more than 100 clients in sectors such

as: Health and life sciences, energy and environment, local authorities and institutions, insurance, finance, law and consulting, food, industry, tourism.  






Access to the Website is provided for free and is assured on a continuous and permanent basis, except cases of force majeure or events beyond EKNO’s control. When it is subject to possible breakdowns and maintenance interventions necessary for the proper functioning of the website. Furthermore, due to the very nature of the Internet, EKNO cannot guarantee operation of the website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To ensure a service of quality, EKNO reserves the right to have maintenance periods, updates or technical interventions -, which may cause a loss of access to the Website. In any case, the unavailability of the Website cannot be considered as periods in which EKNO does not fulfill its obligations. 




1.EKNO does its best to offer the most accurate and quality information to its Users that use the Website.    

Informative contents that are published on the Website are written, except where otherwise specified, by EKNO with the goal of giving to the Users a clear, relevant and accessible information. 



EKNO cannot guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, or exhaustiveness of the published information on the Website, nor the compliance of the information with the use that the User wishes to make of it. 


Consequently, the User acknowledges the use of this information under his own exclusive responsibility. 



EKNO cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage suffered by Users or third parties, which may find their source in the information published on the Website or, more generally, in the consultation and use of the Website. 


2.Users have the possibility to communicate files electronically to EKNO, through the Recruitment Space accessible on the Website.  


Users agree to communicate information that are relevant only to the job offers to which they wish to respond to or submit spontaneously to EKNO.  


Within this communication of information, it is prohibited to send content that contravene to various Laws and Regulations in effect; of national, community and international scopes, infringing intellectual property laws, the right of third parties, contrary to good morals and the rules of Public Order. 

The User forbids himself to: 


attempt to mislead EKNO by providing false information regarding its identity, training and professional background.   


without this enumeration being restrictive, seize, upload, transmit any content with computer viruses or any other code, files or program designed to interrupt, destroy, limit or damage the functionality of any software, computer, server, network or communication tool.  


3.EKNO does not monitor the websites linked to the Website via hypertext and declines all responsibility linked to those websites and their content.  







  1. All data of any nature, in particular: texts, graphics, logos, icons, images, audio or video clips, brands, software, characteristics of EKNO’s Website are unavoidably protected by copyright, trademark law and all other intellectual property rights and belongs to EKNO or third parties having the authority to exploit them.  

EKNO, as publisher of the Website, grants to the user a right to private, non-collective and non-exclusive use of said content, to the extent authorized by the functionalities of the Website and by the herein Conditions.  

The User commits, except if its civil and criminal liability is incurred, to not reproduce, summarize, modify, alter or rebroadcast, without express prior authorization of the publisher, any text, title, application, software, logo, image, graphic charter, brand, information or illustration for a use other than strictly private. In other words, reserved solely for the executive of its works’ council, company or company group, which excludes any representation for commercial use or redistribution in quantity. 

Likewise, the User undertakes not to copy all or part of the Website onto another website or internal company or works council network.  

The User undertakes, in particular, not to extract all or part of the Website for the purposes of importing and storing the contents and the EKNO database. 


2.The entire Website, its consultation method, and the data that it contains constitutes the Website’s Data Base.  


These Data Bases are EKNO’s exclusive property and are protected by the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code relating to copyright, by the law dated of July 1st, 1998, transporting European Directive of March 11th,1996 on legal protection of Databases.  



Under these conditions, the User undertakes to use these data within the strict framework of consulting the Website, and is prohibited of reproducing, translating, adapting, arranging, transforming, communicating, showing and distributing, permanently or temporarily ; by any means and under any form, all or part of the data contained in these databases, other than in the cases referred to in paragraph 4.1 of this article.    






3.“EKNO” is a trademark registered before the French Trademark Office (INPI) under the number FR4940320. EKNO holds all the exclusive exploitation rights. The User undertakes to not cause harm to the “EKNO” brand in any way and to not make any use of it without prior formal authorization from EKNO. 


4.The creation of hypertext links from a website to the Website must be subject to express and prior authorization of EKNO. 







1.In accordance with the provisions of French law no.78-17 dated January 6th 1978 relating to information technology, files, and civil liberties and the decision of the CNIL (French National Agency regulating Data Protection), on July 10th 2006 to remove the obligation of website declaration on the internet for the benefit of the procedure for the declaration of processing associated with said website, the company EKNO has declared its customers/prospects file before the CNIL.   



  1. Users that provided personal information via the Website have a right of access to the data that concerns them as well as a right of modification, correction and deletion, with the provisions of the Law of January 6th, 1978. To exercise these rights, all they need is to contact the CIL via the information provided under paragraph 6.1 hereunder. 


The rights of access, modification, correction and deletion regarding individual-related data, as part of a response to a job offer, a spontaneous application, or a subscription to the newsletter, must be carried out through EKNO’s contact information provided under paragraph 6.1 hereunder.  




Users’ personal data collected via forms and other future information, are solely intended for the exclusive use of EKNO and its establishment, as part of the implementation of service offered to the Users on the Website. They are not subject to any communication or handover to any third-party other than technical service providers in charge of managing the Website. Who are required to respect the confidentiality of information and only use it for what they were intended.  




User’s data will also be used to strengthen and personalized the communication with them, more precisely with EKNO’s newsletters to which they may have subscribed.  



6.Cookies settings 


Cookies are usually accepted by default by web browsers. 




You can choose to deactivate these cookies at any time by configuring your internet browser following the instructions below:  


Firefox : 

Safari : 

Google Chrome : 

Internet Explorer : 

Opéra : 


Please note that some cookies are however necessary for the proper functioning of the website.  





If you have any question or need information you can contact us:  


Preferably by mail: 

By phone: 04 37 57 93 43 office hours 


By post at the following address: EKNO – 11 place Bellecour – 69002 LYON 


The herein conditions express the integrality of EKNO’s as well as the User’s obligations.  



EKNO reserves the right to unilaterally modify the terms hereof. The new clauses will govern all relations between the parties for the future, and only the new version will be valid between them, the applicable conditions always being those accessible online on the Website. The User is therefore invited to regularly refer to the latest version of the General Conditions of Use, permanently available on the “General Conditions of Use” link on the Website. 




In the event that one of the provisions of these conditions would be considered void, under a legal or regulatory provision, present or future, or a court decision carrying the authority for the matter and emanating from a jurisdiction or a competent body, this provision of the contract would be considered as unwritten. And all the other provisions of this General Conditions of Use would retain their binding force between parties.  


These General Conditions of Use are governed by French law both for the substantive rules and for the formal rules, and only the French and English language versions are authentic for their interpretation. Any dispute arising from the execution or interpretation of the provisions of this contract requires the parties to come together and try to find an amicable solution to their dispute, before referring the matter to the competent court.