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Events in internal communications: a lever for collective action. 

Xavier Dullin & Pauline Liabeuf, Deputy Managing Directors at EKNO, with varied experience in events and internal communications, share their views on the challenges of cohesion and commitment within companies today.  

What conclusions do you draw on the state of the collective in businesses? 

PL: “Re-engage”. In our business, this word is on everyone’s lips! Work collectives have been eroded by the complexity of these past few years: the pandemic has changed our theoretical and practical relationship with work and more widely, the multiplication of crisis which shakes established orders or fragments society, disrupt our relationship our relationship to each other (as individuals) and to others (as a collective).  

Strengthening, preserving or redesigning this collective is one of today’s major challenges for organizations, regardless of their size. Because this collective constitutes a personality trait which is source of loyalty and attractiveness; companies and organizations are therefore constantly questioning new balances that allow us to comprehend the work relationship and social contracts. Face-to-face and remote? Professional and personal life? Framework and freedom? Performance and impact? And for this, the management team, the internal communication function and the managers are on the front line.  

How can events strengthen a collective and trigger commitment?  

XD: A company is powered by its teams. Faced with the mutations relative to the relationship with work, events – when “sincere” and aligned with the company project – allow collectives to rebuild themselves, to share and to find again pleasure and motivation around common goals.

PL: There are numerous event formats today: hybrid, remote, in-person. Companies test and refine the meetings that give rhythm to the collective life supported through satisfaction surveys. Many are once again capitalizing on face-to-face meetings, precisely to meet the need to get together, to be together in a single time and place, to experience a collective emulation that “breaks” a certain form of daily routine, gives direction and meaning, and makes teams proud by enhancing their projects! 

What trends are emerging in corporate events? What advice / reflections should be taken to create the right rituals or find the right formats?  

XD: The shiny event has lived! Today, events must, above all, have meaning, convey the values and message of the company. It allows people to work together, gain perspective and strengthen the feeling of belonging to the company, for both the employees and the recognition of its customers. 
The spirit of a useful and responsible commitment must now be inspiring in every concept that is suggested without neglecting the “magic” part which triggers emotion and creates landmark moments. In this regard, setting up a few scheduled “meetings” constitutes expected and motivating steps, if they are useful, recognized and varied.